I used to get such a kick out of political debates with anyone who would join in with me. I loved showing off my knowledge on hot topics, important issues, previous voting histories, personal life issues, etc. Granted this was with people of either undecided status, similar thoughts of mine or someone who opposed my thoughts intelligently and made me think. Now, seemingly that is all gone.
It seems I can't go anywhere now without hearing something about current affairs, but rarely is anything said that can't be attributed to racism, lack of knowledge or general ignorance. I stand behind my candidate of choice, not because he is a "rock star" or because he's black, I stand behind him because after sifting through his policies, listening to his debates, checking his voting record and laying the other candidates stats side by side, Obama is the guy I can believe in. I have also stated that if McCain wins, I agree with enough of his policies to be relatively satisfied. It's not like there is much I can do about it either way, but I have resigned myself to either position. I have been called stupid for voting for the "Muslim", told that my vote will end freedom in mankind, told that he is the Antichrist, he will sell us out to the Taliban, he wasn't really born in America, it goes on.
I'm not whining because I can't handle a little party criticism, it's just that I hardly ever hear anything about McCain/Palin. Granted she is skewered in the media constantly, but there is a history of the media swinging one way and the public the other. And people I have met and talked to support them radically. "Obama" has become some kind of dirty word, "Palin" is some saviour keyword and I don't understand it. Once a person told me "Obama is an elitist and we don't need more of that." This FLOORED me! Of course he's an elitist, you have to be to run for President of the United States! And he's highly educated, what's wrong with that? And let's not forget he started with a single mom on food stamps, he's the American dream personified if we want to get mushy about it.
I guess I just miss the old days when there wasn't so much pressure placed on November 4th, and one could have an opinion without being told you were stupid, or being practically spit on. And God help the losing party. The vindictive side of me wants to see Obama win just so all the fanatical McCain/Palin supporters will hang it up and go home and finally see the turning tide...but I am also getting older and losing my illusions...I fully expect to be the disappointed one come election day. But I still have hope.